Foot Symbol In Your Dig Site
There were many stories that most treasure hunters encounter this type of sign and are very successful in recovering hidden treasures. I have too experienced to see one Foot or either 2 Feet that has been drawn and etched on a rock but mostly were destroyed by fellow treasure hunters to prevent others from seeing it and some had been already recovered. This indicates that a large volume of treasure has been buried under if it is seen above ground, and this is the last trail or the treasure is very near when seen over the dig site. From each site, there are various indication of foot from what I have seen. From simple art to very detailed ones. Mostly, the detailed ones are far more accurate that a treasure is present rather than forcing your imagination that it is a drawn foot even if it is natural and not man made.

We have ventured again to a place in some part of Nueva Viscaya, when a comrade called us to check on the project that they have. In fact, it was a really positive site however it was dangerous and the place is mostly populated. Dangerous in a way that a large pile of rocks which is taller than a normal person is buried beneath and must be lifted by using heavy machinery. On the site before it was dug up, there are round rocks that were beautifully arranged in a circling pattern. When our friend and his companions were removing the rocks and dirt, at 3 feet deep they found shards of old pottery scattered then as they go deeper larger rocks appeared and one rock had a perfectly etched foot sign. They were too afraid because they have gone deep and large pile of rocks were at the side and one mistake they could be buried alive by those rocks or might fall to one of them. So they have stopped working and decided to plan their next move but they never did return. The folks around and the cousin of my friend which is the owner of the land told us that there are American Nationals came looking for that pile of rocks but they told that they don't know anything about those which I used to think and confirm that there is really a buried treasure. I am happy to update this soon and we would return to this project because this would cost a lot of money and time.
So if you happen to see one like these sign or symbol don't rush in, it is better to plan and take a quick survey on how to quickly recover treasure specially if the place is populated, people would be intrigued and might do harm when you have successfully recovered a treasure. Confirm and investigate if some old locals witnessed or know the history of the place if there is an encampment or military base nearby. And finally, do some Metal detecting. Treasure Hunting is a very expensive, time consuming hobby, and dangerous so be very careful.
what is the meaning of foot symbol coz i have a symbol like this in my area
can you send me some pics? foot means, end of trail it may be near that area or exactly at that area where you have found that sign. I also advise you to search for more treasure codes and signs.
Hello, on our property we have two foot signs, one is about twice the size of a normal foot (right), and the other is on a volcanic rock that is tipped over (left). The whole rock is in the shape of a foot pointing kinda toward a narra tree, but what I am not sure of is if the two feet are naturally made or man made. This is at a base of a mountain. The large rock foot sign is part of a large group of rocks. There have been stories that a former governor here found two gold bars cemented in on the side of a rock in the ground on the top of the mountain by a mango tree. Any kind of information would be helpful. Thank you.
sir where i found the exact location of deposit the last marker is triangle i encounter the to standing flat like a door when i get theres a big rock and i break in 1.8 meters hte soil become sticky then the color is grayish din i deep the color become change become black they said its asphalt the odor is like acity wheres the treasure hide and how deep i travel i insert long stick under theres a rock is this the treasurem thanks
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